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#74 Podcast

#74: Dave Kellogg - Traits of a High Performing CMO

May 16, 2023

Show Notes

Episode Description

Dave Kellogg is a former CEO and CMO with operational experience across companies from $0 to $1B+. He served as GM/SVP of Service Cloud for Salesforce, CEO of MarkLogic, and SVP of Marketing at SAP / Business Objects. Today he is  principal at Dave Kellogg Consulting, EIR at Balderton Capital, and authors the popular SaaS blog Kellblog ( He has also served as an independent director across 10 startup boards and has a unique perspective into what top performing SaaS companies do and what role the CMO should play.

We talk about:

- Being a great partner to sales and why it is marketing’s job is to make sales easier
- Mastering the art of becoming the dispassionate analyst, presenting the facts
- Being a partner to the CEO
- Dave's thoughts on the importance of benchmarks, his POV on category creation, lead gen vs demand gen, ChatGPT, and more.


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