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#82 Podcast

#82: What Does a Great CMO Do? With Jon Miller (CMO at Demandbase; Co-Founder of Marketo & Engagio)

June 27, 2023

Show Notes

Episode Description

Jon Miller is CMO at Demandbase and co-founded Marketo and Engagio. Jon is widely regarded as one of the top voices in B2B marketing and does not disappoint with this episode. Dave and Jon talk about:

- What an effective B2B CMO does
- Questions to ask the founders when taking a new CMO job and how to understand their view of marketing
- Why marketing is not a "gumball machine"
- The challenge with Marketing sourced revenue vs. Sales sourced revenue (and why Jon believes in team sourced revenue)
- Thoughts on what the rise of AI and ChatGPT will mean for B2B marketers
- Marketing before and after product market fit
- Helpful benchmarks (and where to find them)
- Lessons from the early days of Marketo, and more


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